Munger Place Homes for Sale
Historic Munger Place Neighborhood
Realtor Douglas Newby has helped many of his clients purchase Munger Place homes for sale in MLS and not for sale in MLS. Here, Douglas Newby shows the Munger Place homes listed for sale in MLS. Enjoy the Centennial Photographs taken of every home in Munger Place arranged in geographical order. Read how national award-winning Realtor Douglas Newby began his career in Munger Place. See Legacies article on the revitalization of Munger Place and the blog article on mayor Robert Folsom’s support of Munger Place single-family rezoning.
Developer Mayor Robert Folsom Supported the Initiative by Doug Newby to Rezone Munger Place and 100 Blocks of Old East Dallas to Single-Family Zoning

Who would think property rights and preservation are compatible. Mayor Robert Folsom, a developer and strongest proponent of free enterprise and property rights was also Dallas’ strongest preservation mayor. Mayor Folsom opposed the city planners multi-family mixed used plan and supported the property owners’ single-family rezoning plan for a multi-family area of apartments.
Centennial Photographs of Munger Place Homes
Realtor Douglas Newby took photographs of every Munger Place home during the centennial of Munger Place so that you would have an opportunity to see this collection of architect-designed and architecturally significant homes in geographical order. Please contact Douglas Newby if you would like to find out about the nuance and comparative value of each Munger Place block and each home.
Munger Place Homes: 4902 Junius – 5327 Junius

Munger Place Historic Homes 5203 – 5215 Junius

Munger Place Historic Homes – 5300 Block of Junius
Munger Place Homes: 4902 Worth – 5212 Worth

Munger Place Historic Homes 4902 – 4940 Worth

Munger Place Historic Homes 5000 – 5127 Worth

Munger Place Historic Homes 5200 – 5212 Worth
Munger Place Homes: 4800 Worth – 5213 Tremont

Munger Place Historic Homes 4800 – 4841 Tremont

Munger Place Historic Homes 4901 – 4939 Tremont

Munger Place Historic Homes 5000 – 5123 Tremont

Munger Place Historic Homes 5203 – 5213 Tremont
Munger Place Homes: 4901 Victor – 5211 Victor

Munger Place Historic Homes 4901 – 4951 Victor

Munger Place Historic Homes 5000 – 5130 Victor

Munger Place Historic Homes 5200 – 5211 Victor
Munger Place Homes: 4902 Reiger – 5211 Reiger

Munger Place Historic Homes 5201 – 5211 Reiger
Revitalization of Munger Place and Old East Dallas

Award-Winning Realtor Douglas Newby Began His Real Estate Career in Munger Place
The year Douglas Newby graduated from SMU, he purchased a home in Munger Place and became very involved in the revitalization efforts of the neighborhood. This included writing his Master’s Thesis, Economic Incentives to Reverse Migration in an Inner City Neighborhood; serving as the Physical Development Committee/Zoning Chair of the East Dallas Community Design Committee; co-founding and serving on the executive committee of the Munger Place Revolving Fund [Historic Dallas Fund] with Virginia Talkington and Lee McAlester. As Chair of the Munger Place Revolving Fund Investment Committee, he was asked by Virginia and Lee to obtain his real estate license so he could put together and negotiate 21 purchase options for Munger Place houses that could be purchased over six months to two years. This investment structure allowed these dilapidated rent houses to be resold to homebuyers that would renovate them as single-family homes.
Douglas Newby continued to sell homes exclusively in Munger Place and Swiss Avenue for ten years in an effort to introduce homebuyers to Munger Place to revitalize the neighborhood. While Douglas Newby now sells some of the most expensive and architecturally significant homes across Highland Park and Dallas, he still resides in Munger Place and still enjoys occasionally representing special clients buy a home in the Munger Place neighborhoods of the Swiss Avenue Historic District and Munger Place Historic District.
Munger Place Homes in MLS For Sale
Currently There Are Only 1 MLS Homes for Sale in Munger Place
Realtor Douglas Newby has helped many of his clients purchase Munger Place homes for sale in MLS and not for sale in MLS. Here, Douglas Newby shows the Munger Place homes listed for sale and that have sold in MLS.